OpenTutorials #15



#01 Host 主持人

Xu Ting, Research scientist, Child Mind Institute


#02 Participants 参与人

Qing Wang, Assistant Researcher, Shanghai Mental Health Center.


Chuan-Peng Hu, Professor, Nanjing Normal University.


Jin-Biao Yang, Post-doc, Max Planck Institute.


#03 分享主题

“IDE(integrated development environment,集成开发环境)是一种开发软件的工具,它将许多常见的开发任务集成到一个应用程序中,包括代码编辑器、编译器、调试器、版本控制系统等,以提高开发人员的生产力和效率。IDE的主要用途是为开发人员提供一个一体化的工作空间,使他们能够更轻松地编写、测试和调试代码。使用IDE可以帮助程序员自动完成许多重复的任务,例如代码高亮、代码提示和语法检查等,从而减少错误并提高编写代码的速度。“ ——ChatGPT



  1. 操作系统偏好和环境部署;
  2. 日常编程语言偏好和code editor (e.g. vscode, pycharm, …);
  3. Python virtualenv管理;
  4. 远程服务器IDE;
  5. Github在项目与团队合作中的使用;
  6. Container在项目中的使用;
  7. 文献管理的偏好。

“IDE (integrated development environment) is a tool for developing software that integrates many common development tasks into a single application, including code editors, compilers, debuggers, version control systems, etc., to improve developer productivity and efficiency. The main purpose of an IDE is to provide developers with an all-in-one workspace that allows them to write, test, and debug code more easily. Using an IDE helps programmers automate many repetitive tasks such as code highlighting, code hinting and syntax checking, thus reducing errors and increasing the speed of writing code. ” –ChatGPT

Nowadays, psychology, cognitive science and brain science researchers have to deal with more and more codes. As a factual “brain-computer interface” between the researcher and the code, a good programming software can greatly improve the efficiency of research and reduce code errors. This OpenTutorial will be featured with a roundtable discussion with front-line researchers who will share their habits, experiences (and gripes) in programming languages and software choices, programming environment deployment, and code management. You are welcome to join us and share your experiences no matter whether you are a veteran researcher or a beginner!

Discussion topics:

  1. Operating system preferences and environment deployment;
  2. Programming language preferences and code editor (e.g. vscode, pycharm, …);
  3. Python virtualenv administration;
  4. Remote server IDE;
  5. The use of Github in projects and teamwork;
  6. The use of containers in the project;
  7. Preferences for documentation management.

#04 分享信息

题目:IDE,祝你一臂之力! IDE, Innovating Desirable Experiment




  • 北京时间[CST]21:30 pm – 22:30 pm, Sun., March 5th
  • 美东时间[EST]8:30 am – 9:30 am, Sun., March 5th
  • 欧洲时间[EDT]14:30 pm – 15:30 pm, Sun., March 5th


COSN 学术策划小组

张晗(博士), A*STAR, Singapore

张磊(博士), University of Birmingham, UK

楊毓芳(博士), Freie Universität Berlin, Germany

杨金骉(博士), MPI Psycholinguistics, the Netherlands

徐婷(博士), Child Mind Institute, USA

肖钦予, University of Vienna, Austria

王鑫迪(博士), 待业

王庆(博士), 上海精神卫生中心

鲁彬(博士), 中科院心理所

刘泉影(博士), 南方科技大学

金淑娴, University of Sussex, UK

金海洋(博士), New York University Abu Dhabi, UAE

胡传鹏(博士), 南京师范大学

耿海洋(博士), 天桥脑科学研究院

葛鉴桥 (博士), 北京大学

高梦宇(博士), 北京师范大学

陈志毅(博士), 第三军医大学

陈妍秀(博士), 中科院心理所

陈骥(博士), 浙江大学

曹淼(博士), 北京大学


张文昊(UT Southwestern Medical Center, USA)


张磊(University of Birmingham, UK)


徐婷(Child Mind Institute, USA)






邸新(New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA)