题目:A Model-based Approach to Assess Reproducibility for Large-scale High-throughput MRI-based Studies
分享嘉宾:Zeyu Jiao (焦泽宇) Fudan University
Zeyu Jiao is the PHD student of Shanghai Center for Mathematical Sciences, and the Institute of Science and Technology for Brain-Inspired Intelligence in Fudan University. He has been developing novel mathematical and statistical methods to meet the challenges raised in neuroscience.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) technology has been increasingly used in neuroscience studies. Reproducibility of statistically significant findings generated by MRI-based studies, especially association studies (phenotype vs. MRI metric) and task-related brain activation, has been recently heavily debated. However, most currently available reproducibility measures depend on thresholds for the test statistics and cannot be use to evaluate overall study reproducibility. It is also crucial to elucidate the relationship between reproducibility and sample size in an experimental design. In our recent work, we proposed a model-based reproducibility index to quantify reproducibility which could be used in large-scale high-throughput MRI-based studies including both association studies and task-induced brain activation. Furthermore, we proposed a model-based analytical tool to evaluate minimal sample size for the purpose of achieving a desirable model-based reproducibility. We demonstrated that both sample size and study-specific experimental factors play important roles in the model-based reproducibility assessments for different experiments. In summary, a systematic assessment of reproducibility is fundamental and important in the current large-scale high-throughput MRI-based studies.
北京时间[GMT+8] 4月16日(周六) 20:00~21:00
欧洲中部时间[CET] 4月16日(周六) 14:00~15:00
美国东部时间[EST] 4月16日(周六) 08:00~09:00
Meeting ID: 9139 4010 836
主持人:王庆(博士)Montreal Neurological Institute
其它:本次线上报告录屏会在结束后上传于B站: COSN_live https://space.bilibili.com/252509184
张晗(博士), A*STAR, Singapore
张磊 (博士), University of Vienna, Austria
楊毓芳(博士), Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
杨金骉, MPI Psycholinguistics, the Netherlands
肖钦予, University of Vienna, Austria
王鑫迪(博士), 北京慧脑云
王庆(博士), Montreal Neurological Institute, Canada
金淑娴, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands
金海洋(博士), New York University Abu Dhabi, UAE
胡传鹏(博士), 南京师范大学
葛鉴桥 (博士), 北京大学
高梦宇(博士), 北京师范大学
耿海洋(博士), 香港大学
陈妍秀(博士), 中科院心理所
陈骥(博士), 浙江大学
张文昊(UT Southwestern Medical Center, USA)
张磊(University of Vienna, AUT)
徐婷(Child Mind Institute, USA)
滕相斌(MPI for Human Development, DEU)
邸新(New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA)