OpenTalks #38



注册报告(Registered Reports)是在开放科学运动中兴起的学术发表方式,作者首先向期刊投稿其研究预案,期刊对预案进行审议并决定是否“原则上接收”。这一发表方式可解决传统出版流程中的发表偏倚(publication bias)等问题,因此广受关注和欢迎。但注册报告也有局限,例如需要研究者预先选定期刊进行投稿。近期,开放科学社群建立起了Peer Community In Registered Reports(PCI-RR)这一研究者主导、非盈利性质的平台,旨在发表针对注册报告研究预案的同行审议意见。提交到PCI-RR、通过审议并得到推荐的研究预案,将可由研究作者在数十家期刊中任意选择期刊发表,且期刊将不再对研究预案进行科学方面的审议。本期报告中,我们邀请香港大学心理学系助理教授Gilad Feldman来分享他使用PCI-RR的经验以及他对该平台的看法。


题目:Peer Community in Registered Report (PCI RR) as the future of science: Our experience from 15 in-process scheduled PCI RR replication and extension submissions


分享嘉宾:Gilad Feldman Assistant Professor, University of Hong Kong

Gilad is an Assistant Professor with the psychology department at the University of Hong Kong. Gilad’s work is in the areas of social psychology and judgment and decision-making. His research focuses on biases and heuristics, especially regarding agency and action. In recent years, following signs regarding the need for a science reform, Gilad has taken a special interest in the movement for improvement of psychological science to implement and promote open-science and meta-research. More details on Gilad can be found at


Registered Report ( is a publication process now adopted by over 300 journals in psychological science and beyond, in which Stage 1 journal peer review occurs on a pre-registration plan prior to any data collection. Once the pre-registration passes peer review and is approved, the journal grants authors an in-principle acceptance guaranteeing the publication of the article provided that data collection and analysis follows the intended plan. This emphasizes design, methods, and rigor, addressing issues of reviewers’ and publication bias with publication of findings regardless of data collection outcomes, with the Stage 2 peer review focused solely on ensuring adherence to the Stage 1 plan (or documented deviations).

“Peer Community in Registered Report”‎ (PCI-RR; is a new initiative launched in 2021 that builds on Registered Reports and is aimed at improving further on Registered Reports. It provides community open identified peer-review on posted Registered Report Stage 1 preprints, led by open-science trained recommenders (editors), with in-principle acceptance from the community endorsed for publication by a variety of open-science supportive journals. This initiative also includes an option for a “scheduled review” path which allows timely community expert open-science supportive peer review within two weeks, short enough to fit into an academic year thesis schedule. PCI RR is nothing short of a revolution in science.

This year, with guided thesis students and our early-career researcher team building on work by undergraduate students in my courses, we submitted 15 PCI RR replication and extension Stage 1 manuscripts. All of them have already received an invitation to revise and resubmit, with some already granted an in-principle acceptance and preparing for Stage 2. So far, it has been a very positive and rewarding experience for the students and the team.

In this talk, I will share a bit of our experience with Registered Reports, PCI RR, and embedding PCIRR in UG/MA thesis process and taught courses, with an invitation for you to join us lead some of our completed projects. This is part of a large-scale replications project of over 100 classic studies in judgment and decision-making and social psychology. Information on this project and how to join us can be found on:


  • 北京时间[GMT+8] 6月7日(周二) 21:00~22:30
  • 欧洲中部时间[CET] 6月7日(周二) 15:00~16:30
  • 美国东部时间[EST] 6月7日(周二) 09:00~10:30

Meeting ID: 9139 4010 836


主持人:肖钦予,University of Vienna

其它:本次线上报告录屏会在结束后上传于B站: COSN_live



张晗(博士), A*STAR, Singapore

张磊 (博士), University of Vienna, Austria

楊毓芳(博士), Freie Universität Berlin, Germany

杨金骉, MPI Psycholinguistics, the Netherlands

肖钦予, University of Vienna, Austria

王鑫迪(博士), 北京慧脑云

王庆(博士), Montreal Neurological Institute, Canada

金淑娴, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands

金海洋(博士), New York University Abu Dhabi, UAE

胡传鹏(博士), 南京师范大学

葛鉴桥 (博士), 北京大学

高梦宇(博士), 北京师范大学

耿海洋(博士), 香港大学

陈妍秀(博士), 中科院心理所

陈骥(博士), 浙江大学


张文昊(UT Southwestern Medical Center, USA)


张磊(University of Vienna, AUT)


徐婷(Child Mind Institute, USA)


滕相斌(MPI for Human Development, DEU)




邸新(New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA)