OpenTalks #30



题目:Self-Serving Incentives of Open Science Practices: The Long-Term Selfish Benefits of Embracing Open Science


分享嘉宾:Prof.Peter Clayson (Department of Psychology, University of South Florida, USA)

Peter Clayson received his bachelor’s degree from Brigham Young University and his doctoral degree from the University of California at Los Angeles. After graduation, he conducted his postdoctoral fellowship at the Desert Pacific Mental Illness Research, Education, and Clinical Center within the Veterans Affairs Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System. Currently, he is an assistant professor in the Psychology Department at the University of South Florida and serves as an associate editor for the International Journal of Psychophysiology. Peter’s research applies findings from cognitive and affective neuroscience to examine adaptive control in healthy participants and psychopathology. He also applies rigorous measurement theory to understand the psychometric properties of psychophysiological measurements and tries to mobilize the field to evaluate these measurements psychometrically.


Open science practices are beginning to permeate select subfields of psychology and neuroscience. These practices largely aim to improve the transparency of research. Some academic and funding bodies are beginning to recognize efforts on the part of researchers to “open” their research, but open science practices are not widely incentivized. As a result, researchers who embrace open science practices might believe they are jeopardizing their career advancement. However, there are important (and selfish) reasons for researchers to embrace open science practices that can lead to more methodologically rigorous research, reproducible and replicable findings, and attention to published research than “closed” science practices can. This talk aims to identify the benefits of open science practices to academic researchers, particularly early career researchers and researchers in the field of human electrophysiology. I will draw on EEG/ERP research to demonstrate how researchers benefit from open science practices. These examples include the use of multiverse analyses to identify optimized data processing pipelines, the reporting of psychometric reliability to characterize data quality using the ERP Reliability Analysis Toolbox ( 点击“阅读原文”可快速跳转), and the benefit to citations and Altmetric mentions through the posting of preprints. By opening our lab notebooks, software tools, data, and publications, researchers can improve the impact of their own work and advance their academic careers, while simultaneously improving the rigor, validity, and replicability of research in psychology and neuroscience.


北京时间[GMT+8] 1月24日(周一) 20:00

欧洲中部时间[CEST] 1月24日(周一) 13:00

美国东部时间[EDT] 1月24日(周一) 07:00

美国太平洋时间[PDT] 1月24日(周一) 04:00

Meeting ID: 9139 4010 836


主持人:楊毓芳(博士)(Freie Universität Berlin, Germany)



张磊 (博士), University of Vienna, Austria

张晗(博士), A*STAR, Singapore

楊毓芳(博士), Freie Universität Berlin, Germany

杨金骉, MPI Psycholinguistics, the Netherlands

王鑫迪(博士), 北京慧脑云

王庆(博士), Montreal Neurological Institute, Canada

金海洋(博士), New York University Abu Dhabi, UAE

胡传鹏(博士), 南京师范大学

耿海洋(博士), 香港大学

金淑娴, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands

葛鉴桥 (博士), 北京大学

高梦宇(博士), University of Utah, USA


张文昊(University of Chicago, USA)


张磊(University of Vienna, AUT)


徐婷(Child Mind Institute, USA)


滕相斌(MPI for Human Development, DEU)




邸新(New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA)